(The Parkinson Building, the equivalent to the Bell Tower on State's campus)
(the local cemetery on our campus, right behind my new residence)
Time, space and memory. This is the basis of my design class this semester at Leeds. I don't know how the term will go, but I already know its not what I expected. For the past year and a half I have been sitting on a computer trying to figure out what design means to me. I've tested the waters in InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop and Dreamweaver, and now its back to the drawing board for me as I am I asked to create work that is more what my Fine Arts classes in high school required. The class is split up into different categories, including: painting, sculpture, digital media (what I am in) and printmaking. We then have one hour of lecture time each week and the rest of the time it is up to us to find inspiration, discover materials/mediums and explore what the project means to us. There is no "required" studio time in the sense that you need to come say hi and touch base and then you are free to leave if you need/would like to. How different this is from design classes at home.
At NC State, we have a very structured system consisting of 5-6 projects a term and due throughout. Here, we are working on one project the whole time. Exploring the subject in depth and creating a piece with deeper meaning and a more thought out path. This excites me, but it also makes me nervous. I have never spent that much time working on one project, instead I am asked to go through the whole design process for an in depth piece in two- three weeks. Now I have the chance to explore and discover as I please and I just hope I don't let myself down. Already I'm starting to ask the questions:
"What is a memory?"
"Does a memory fade or become enhanced depending on a situation or and experience?"
"Are we really aware of time? Or is it more of an idea that we can never fully fathom?"
"How can you express the passing of time?"
And my list goes on. But what excites me most is how this project can so easily relate to some of the other courses I am taking. In my course called "Philosophy of the Mind" we will be exploring how humans minds work. Whether technology or a robot has a mind, could they ever have a mind? Do we really of a soul? Can our body and mind really be aware of death? Etc. Another course is "Philosophy of Religion" and another "Insights into Creativity, Innovation and Leadership". All of these courses are about how much you want to take from it. We are asked to read certain things, but we can also explore additional texts if we are interested. There are no daily or weekly assignments due, just 2 essays to be turned in. This gives us the opportunity to really become and independent learner and take our own education in our hands rather than being told what we should learn and when we should do it.
It is different, but it is also refreshing to have this kind of learning at the tip of my fingers. As for the rest of my life here at Leeds, things keep getting better. Today I will be moving out of my current residence (which is a 30-45 minute commute to campus) and into a residence on campus. I am very excited about this move because I will be closer to university of life and have more access to all that Leeds has to offer!
I have also enjoyed a few nights out on the town, exploring the pub scene and getting to know a few of the locals as well as my new international friends. As each day passes, I can't be thinking more about how this is an experience that everyone should take. Because already it has helped me find my passion for learning again, explore my interest in different cultures and provide me with the opportunity to travel. So until next time! Cheers!