Welcome to my blog! Here, I will be keeping everyone updated on my adventures as I study
abroad in Leeds, England at the University of Leeds. It has been a long (and sometimes stressful) road to get to this part but I am excited...and maybe a little nervous...as I get closer to my departure date which is January 20, 2009.
So far I have packed up my things in Raleigh, left most of it in a small 5' x 10' storage unit, and will be paring it down even more as I can only take 2 larger bags, a carry on and a personal item to be exact. Already I am experiencing separation anxiety from my shoes (which only gives me the excuse to buy new ones). But it is all part of the experience, the journey of living on my own in a foreign country.
Speaking of, just recently I have found out where I will be living while abroad. It is in a flat (a new English term I am learning) about a 30 minute walk from campus and located close to Headingley. I will have a single room but will be sharing the flat with about 7 other "mature" or "post-graduate" students. I am very excited about the fact I will be living in my own room, since I have had a roommate for the past 2 1/2 years of my college career (love you roomie!)
University of Leeds has about 30,000 students, making it the second largest university in the UK. It is also one of the top ten university in the UK for research and is a part of the Russell Group. I personally will be taking Design courses, as well as Environmental Science and a general education class while studying there. (to learn more about the university follow this link ).
Leeds itself, is a lively city with a population of 750,000 people. It boasts a good working economy with over 100,000 people traveling to Leeds daily to work as well as exceptional parks and green spaces. Furthermore, it has wonderful sporting venues and great shopping (where I can purchase my new shoes!). It also has many cultural activities such as museums, music venues and theaters.
Anyways...I am very excited...but please stay in touch! I will be updating soon!